New year…..

So, one of my goals for this year was to try & write one blog post a month…..not doing too well on that one!! 

Last year was a bit of a whirlwind & if you had told me this time last year I would be involved in a global Twitter movement, be interviewed on local & national radio (as well as a local paper) and would have started a blog I would have thought you were crazy!

I also had the opportunity to visit the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio for a month which was a great experience. 

On the work front, I am finally starting to feel that I’m finding my feet as a consultant after 2 1/2 years. I really enjoy my job and have made some positive changes. 

On the home front, I made the decision to start looking after myself a bit better. I know that “self care” is trendy at the moment but I now firmly believe that if you don’t take to time out to look after yourself then how can you be expected to look after anyone else. For me, that means (almost) daily meditation with the Headspace app, yoga, time with my personal trainer & a sugar free diet. All of these have been helpful in improving my sleep & my mood. 

Having done the I Quit Sugar programme in October 2015 & now on board as one of their experts, I am increasingly convinced that our highly processed diet is making us sick & fat. So just giving some advance warning about many posts on this subject as I continue to research it! 

I am definitely going to try and post more regularly so stay tuned…..

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